Scansnap For Mac
Scansnap App For Mac
How many mac addresses are available for virtual network adapters created by hyper-v. Download ScanSnap Cloud for macOS 10.8.3 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. What is ScanSnap Cloud? ScanSnap Cloud is a service that delivers scanned images from your iX Series ScanSnap to your favourite cloud services without the need for a computer or mobile device. It can recognise and sort scanned images such as documents, receipts.
- The ScanSnap iX1500 touch screen scanner now available in new black-on- black color option at Fujitsu Scanner Store. This scanner can be used with both PC and Mac, and can scan wirelessly to a variety of mobile devices.
- The ScanSnap iX100 is the world's fastest battery powered ScanSnap. Whether scanning receipts, contracts, recipes, or plastic cards, the iX100 takes scanning beyond the desktop and into your mobile world.
- After not using EN in several months, on 7/25/19 I scanned 38 documents in. They didnt go automatically to EN, but are sitting in ScanSnap Home. The screen that asks you where to send docs never showed up. Im using ScanSnap ix500 (not ix1500) and a MacBook Pro. As I said, I havent used ScanSnap i.
Modifications from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
- In regard to the folder access permission enhanced with macOS Catalina v10.15 (beta 6), a modification has been made to display a message that instructs users to allow ScanSnap Home to access all data in the disk when using ScanSnap Home.
- Fixed the problem that occurs when a user is switched on a Mac computer while it is connected with iX1500 that has [Current user] specified for [Display of profiles], causing the profile for the user before the switch to be displayed as it is on the touch panel or in the scan window of ScanSnap Home.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Modifications from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0
- A new feature has been added to perform OCR recognition on an image of a business card or receipt again by marking the necessary parts with a frame on the preview window.
- A new feature has been added to allow users to preview multiple images on the main window.
- A new feature has been added to apply [ScanSnap Manager - Profile] to ScanSnap Home.
- Help menus and contents have been improved, allowing users to find information that they want quickly on the Help.
- Operability for linking with cloud services has been improved.
- Operability for adding and editing profiles on the menu bar has been improved.
- A modification has been made so that you can delete a content data record that is managed in ScanSnap Home even after you delete a file for the content data record in Finder.
- The waiting time it takes after a scan has been reduced.
- A modification has been made which enables users to use the scan window as soon as it is displayed.
- Operability for contacting your support representative has been improved.
- Fixed the problem in which the [ScanSnap Home - Connecting ScanSnap] window sometimes freezes.
- Changed the characters that cannot be specified in a title (prohibited characters).
- Fixed the problem in which the application may end abnormally when selecting a title from a list of title suggestions in the [Scan to Folder] window using the keyboard.
- Fixed the problem in which scanning is not possible via a USB connection with macOS Catalina v10.15 (beta 5).
- Fixed the problem that occurs when business cards are scanned with an application created with ScanSnap SDK, preventing the OCR function from being disabled.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements have been done.
Modifications from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0
- A new function has been added to import or export a content data record.
- Modified some profile names that appear as templates when you add a new profile.
- New default profiles [Scan to Folder] and [Scan to Email] have been added which are created when you connect the ScanSnap for the first time.
- Improved the operability when you edit, add, copy, or delete profiles in the scan window or the edit profiles window.
- A modification has been made for the scanner for simplex scan (ScanSnap iX100/S1100i/S1100) to include both the front and back sides of a business card as one content data record when you scan a business card with duplex set for the scan settings.
- A modification has been made to save an image of a receipt as a singlepage PDF (gray) when a link with ScanSnap Cloud is established.
- A new option has been added to show/hide the S-mark icon on the menu bar.
- Fixed the problem that occurs when you sort content data records of receipts by Vendor, preventing the sorted results form being sorted appropriately.
- Fixed the problem that occurs when you modify [Name] in a content data record of a business card, and output the content data record in vCard format, preventing the content data record from being output with [Name] you modified.
- Modified to support version 12 of the ScanSnap SDK interface.
- A new function has been added so that scanning from the ScanSnap and ScanSnap Home is not available when a link with an application created with ScanSnap SDK is established.
- A new function has been added so that only specified profiles are displayed on the touch panel of the ScanSnap when a link with an application created with ScanSnap SDK is established. (for ScanSnap iX1500 only)
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements have been done.
Modifications from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Modifications from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
- A new function for switching profiles has been added to the status menus on the menu bar.
(for ScanSnap iX500/iX100/S1300i/S1100i/SV600/S1100) - A modification has been made which enables users to select a title and destination for a content data record from history records that appear in the [Verify and save] window.
- A new option has been added to save files in a specified save destination with no scanned images left behind in ScanSnap Home.
- A modification has been made so that the total number of content data records and the number of the selected content data records in the content data record list view in the main window are displayed on the status bar.
- A modification has been made to support Japan's new era name.
- Fixed the problem that may occur after a date in the content data record view is edited, preventing the change from being applied correctly.
- Fixed the problem in which the destination folder path specified in the [Verify and save] window may differ from the destination folder path specified in a profile.
- Fixed the problem that occurs when ScanSnap Home is started with [Use ScanSnap Cloud] unselected in the [Account] tab in the [Preferences] window, displaying a message that requires the user to enter a license number.
- Fixed the problem in which the Scan button on the ScanSnap that is connected via Wi-Fi may not be able to work for scanning.
- Fixed the problem that occurs when a content data record with 'Receipts' as a document type is output in a CSV format, outputting a date in the format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements have been done.
Scansnap Manager For Mac Mojave
Modifications from 1.0.30 to 1.1.0
Scansnap Software For Mac
- A new function has been added to import or export a profile.
- A new function has been added to convert a scanned image into a searchable PDF file after a scan is performed.
- Modified the message that appears when the number of licenses reaches the limit.
- Fixed the problem that may occur when sorting content data records by the date in the main window of ScanSnap Home, preventing the sorted results from being sorted by the date.
- Fixed the problem that may occur when performing a scan for the first time after macOS is restarted, preventing the [Verify and save] window from appearing.
- Fixed the problem that occurs when a folder including specific characters is added to the database for ScanSnap Receipt, causing data conversion for ScanSnap Receipt to fail.
- Fixed the problem with the error that may occur when a scan is performed with a profile in which [Scanned date] is selected for [Extracting items for the title].
- Fixed the problem with the error that may occur when a scan is performed with a profile in which [Do not recognize text] is specified for [Language of document] or [Language of business card] in [Title].
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements have been done.